Wednesday, May 6, 2020
William Shakespeares Dramatic Use of the Supernatural in...
William Shakespeares Dramatic Use of the Supernatural in Macbeth Be sure to include the witches, the dagger, Banquos ghost, the apparitions and the Old man. There are many themes in Macbeth like ambition, loyalty and hypocrisy but Shakespeare has used the theme of the supernatural to create dramatic emphasis and suspicion. He has used the witches, dagger, Banquos ghost, the apparitions and the old man to create to add an element of the supernatural to Macbeth. Throughout the play the witches create a sense of mystery. The opening scene is significant because it puts the audience in fear. Fair is foul, and foul is fair This quote by the three witches is echoed throughout the play†¦show more content†¦The person has to choose there own destiny and Macbeth chooses to commit murders in order to get what he wants. And which is worse, all you have done Hath been but for a wayward son. This quote said be Hecate suggests that Macbeth planned his own destiny and the witches did not make him do anything. The witches do not tell Macbeth to kill Duncan or commit any other murders he does this by himself with the help of Lady Macbeth who tempts him so she can become queen. To alter favour ever is to fear. Leave all the rest to me. One murder leads to another and Macbeth feels that everyone is out to get him. This motivates him to meet the witches again who tell Macbeth 3 prophecies: that he should fear Macduff, he cannot be harmed by one born of a woman and that he is secure until Birnan Wood comes to Dunsinane. Throughout the play the witches appear and warn, predict and tempt Macbeth but in the end it was Macbeth who chose to commit all the murders. Apart from the witches, Shakespeare uses the dagger in Act 2 Scene 1 to make use of the supernatural. Banquo has a premonition that something is going to go wrong after his and Macbeths meeting with the witches. He talks to Macbeth about the witches who have given him reason to believe in them. I dreamd last night of the three weirdShow MoreRelated The Supernatural in Shakespeares Works Essay1747 Words  | 7 PagesThe Supernatural in Shakespeares Works No one questions the fact that William Shakespeare is a pure genius when it comes to creating immortal characters whose characteristics transcends those of the normal supernatural beings, but most students of literature agree that his uses of the supernatural aren’t merely figments of his creative imagination. Every man, woman, and child is influenced by the age into which they are born and Shakespeare was no exception. Not only does his use of supernaturalRead MoreOccult and Supernatural Elements in Macbeth1402 Words  | 6 PagesAlthough Macbeth is not classed as being a supernatural play or a play of the occult, there are some elements in the play that Shakespeare uses to effect. 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