Friday, November 29, 2019
Role of Education for Successful Careers
Introduction Over the years, there has been ongoing debate on the importance of education for a successful career. Even to those who agree that education is important, there is still the lingering question on the level of importance. Many learners and employment seekers have repeatedly been questioning the importance of education with respect to personal career in certain fields.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Role of Education for Successful Careers specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There are also questions touching on the role of education in determining the level of success in the business world and in improving the quality of life in general. Today, many people seeking certain job opportunities with some even possessing many years experience find themselves being rejected in favour of candidates possessing degrees in that field. (Santiago) Depending on the height of achievement that one is seeking to accompli sh, the echelon of education might be practical, but the most important thing to realize is that some level of education is vital to future success. In essence, completing high levels of education shows that one has an obligation and enthusiasm to study and apply the gotten information in their various areas of specialization. Additionally, this also acts as proof that one is willing to use the acquired thoughts, theories, and principles to attain a variety of responsibilities and aspirations. Although there are obviously many reasons why people should advance their education, the most important is that education enables a person to acquire the subject substance and vital information needed in the day-to-day living. (Hartman Stewart 283) Today, many people are undoubtedly shunning formal employment in favour of starting up their own businesses. This has led many people to question the importance of academic excellence in the light of this new development. Contrary to this belief, a ttaining academic excellence especially in English and language skills helps people to communicate their ideas in a clearer manner. This is gotten from the fact that communication skills are fundamental in any task, whether dealing with co-workers or even business associates. Indeed, one has to efficiently convey their plans, ideas, and goals if they are to become respected people in the society. Currently, any formal learning incorporates communication skills thus articulating the importance of attaining academic excellence during the learning years. (Moxley Dumbrigue 36)Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Despite the revolution that computers and calculators have brought in the modern world, there is still the need to do basic adding up and calculations on paper or even using the mind. Regardless of the profession that one might be in, there will always arise moments when one has to e mploy basic math skills. Lacking these skills can be a big impediment to attaining a fulfilling career or even for life. Indeed, nearly every chore in the life of a man requires some basic math skills. These are activities like preparing meals, shopping, driving among many other chores that people engage in on day-to-day basis. Lacking the basic math skills can become a big source of frustration for the involved parties and can lead to huge losses in an organization or even in ones private life. (Hartman Stewart 284) Currently, nearly all the best paying jobs in the market require high level of learning. In fact, the world works on a basic principle that the more education that one has, then the higher level of earnings they are likely to attain. This clearly shows that academic excellence is a prerequisite for attaining financial growth in any given career. In fact, trends show that people who attain great success in the business world were once successful in school. Currently, an yone thinking of landing a lucrative job in any major organization must be holding some noteworthy level of education. (Moxley Dumbrigue 37) Unlike in the past when certain positions within organizations did not necessarily require any college education, the situation has been reversed and these positions are currently only open to people possessing a certain level of academic qualification. In any given organization, managers use educational requirements to reduce the number of applicants especially in situations where the number of those applying for the job is more than the available positions.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Role of Education for Successful Careers specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There are many explanations as to why managers prefer people with higher education but the most likely reason is that learned people are perceived to be ready to learn the procedures within the company since colle ge education is all about learning new things. Additionally, being in school allows one to interact with people from different backgrounds, which helps them to hone their communication skills thus making them to succeed in their respective careers and in the business world. (Santiago) Conclusion Over the years, there has been an ongoing debate on whether academic excellence is important for a successful career. There is no doubt that academic excellence leads to financial breakthroughs in whatever career that one might be pursuing. Even then, there is still the lingering question on the required level of education that one should have attained to make them qualify for certain positions in an organization. Current trends however show that the range of salaries in organizations depends on the level of education that one has attained. Unlike in the past when some positions within organizations did not require any level of education, the situation has changed and academic excellence is needed to even allow one to set foot in these organizations. Works Cited Hartman, Kathleen and Stewart, Thomas. Investing in Your College Education: Learning Strategies with Readings, 2009. Cengage Learning, 283-284. Print. Moxley, David and Dumbrigue, Cecille. Keeping Students in Higher Education: Successful Practices Strategies for Retention, 2001. Routledge, 36-40. Print. Santiago, Andrea. Why is Education so Important for Success?, 2011. Web. Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This essay on Role of Education for Successful Careers was written and submitted by user Carissa Jacobs to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Title VII of the Constitution
Title VII of the Constitution Title VII is a chapter in the constitution that prevents employers from discriminating workers based on their religious affiliations. The constitution prevents employers from discriminating employees based on their religious practices and beliefs.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Title VII of the Constitution specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The law demands that employers must respect the religious views of employees in the organization. However, the law does not prevent religious organizations from applying strict rules. In the American labor market, religion is one of the contentious issues. Employers find it hard to solve issues related to religion in the organization. Statistics from the EEOC proves that religious conflicts are in the increase in the American labor market. The society is becoming diverse and plural implying that cultural conflicts are inevitable. Religious protection clause under article VII has generated a number of issues in organizations. Some of these debates include the following: What is a reasonable accommodation? What counts as a religious belief that needs to be accommodated? Can employees wear religious garbs or symbols in places of work? Can an employer demand to know the religion of an employee during recruitment? Can employees object to a diversity program or pledge on religious grounds Employers must give realistic accommodation. For instance, the Seventh Day Adventist believers should be allowed to worship God on Saturday. If a company has a residence for employees, employers must provide space that should be used as a worshiping place. It is the role of the employer to ensure that an employee worships God in the organization at the right time and in the right place. In this regard, the management should reschedule work to allow a group of employees to exercise their religious practices. In the organization, article VII requires that the religious b eliefs and practices of employees should be given priority over the interests of the company. In this regard, the organization should not question the credibility of any religious belief.Advertising Looking for research paper on business corporate law? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The law aims at covering the beliefs of many employees but not those beliefs belonging to conformist religious groups. In many organizations, the management recognizes the beliefs of Hindus, Muslims, and Christians. Other religious groups are not given an opportunity to exercise their religious right. Therefore, the management must appreciate the religious beliefs of small groups such as cults, and sects. In the workplace, small religious groups are often denied worshiping rights since their practices are believed to defy societal rules. Matters related to religion are sacred, and each should believer should be allowed to exercise a rel igion of his or her choice. In other words, an individual should not be forced to adopt religious practices that are inconsistent with his or her faith. The organization should ensure that employees wear clothes of their choice. Some religions demand that believers must maintain a certain physical outlook and behavior. For instance, a Muslim believer must dress in a way that is consistent with the tenets of the Islamic culture. Women are expected to cover their faces and men are supposed to put on a tarbush. For a company engaging in mining, the employee should be advised to put on safety clothes. However, this should not be mandatory. In the Islamic culture, men are not allowed to shave. The organization must allow an employee to execute his or her duties while observing his or her religious code of dressing. Interfering with the dressing code of an employee might affect his or her duties in the organization. During recruitment, the employer should not ask employees to state their religious denominations. In other words, religious beliefs should not be used to eliminate employees during a recruitment exercise.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Title VII of the Constitution specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In some organizations, employers ask recruits whether their religious beliefs would prevent them from working during holidays. This question is unacceptable because Article VII states that an employee has religious rights that should not be compromised in any way. Some employers are tempted to ask employees to state the church they attend. This should be discouraged, and those found engaging in this malpractice should be prosecuted. However, the employer might inform the employee on regular days of work and work shifts. On diversity, an employee should not be forced to accept some cultures that contradict his or her religious beliefs. In the organization, the management might come up with a diversity program aimed at uniting the cultures of various individuals. Cultural diversity is an important aspect in the organization. The management should always ensure that employees respect the culture of fellow employees. However, employees should be taken through a learning process implying that they should not be forced to accept the cultural practices that are not consistent with their religion. For instance, employees are advised to respect the culture of gays and lesbians. The law provides that an individual should not be forced to accommodate a culture that challenges his or her religious practice. For instance, employers tend to force employees to sign a code of conduct requiring them to tolerate homosexuality. Many religious beliefs oppose homosexuality. Therefore, employees must be given a freedom to choose whether to associate with a homosexual or not. In the organization, an employee should not be forced to subscribe to a diversity program. This is because suc h a program might be going against his or her religious values.Advertising Looking for research paper on business corporate law? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More An employee should be allowed to exercise his religious rights and freedoms without interference from the management. The management does not have the right to stop an employee from practicing a belief related to his or her religion.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
An Overview on How to Write Reports and Essays and to Set out Research Paper
An Overview on How to Write Reports and Essays and to Set out Methodology - Research Paper Example In case of references where no date is mentioned, the term n.d. i.e., no date is used to denote that no date is available for citing. In case the name of the author is not available, it is mandatory to cite the name of the author who has cited it in their work/s by mentioning cited by. For instance, It is advisable to ensure that citations from other authors must be used with extreme caution and care and if at all such works are cited, adequate care must be taken to apply the accurate conventions. In the case where quotations used in the text are fewer than three lines, it must be: (a) placed within the text, (b) in quotation marks and (c) in italics while in case of quotations exceeding three lines, the same should be placed within quotation marks, in italics, blocked, indented and single-spaced. Organizational learning has always been a centre of focus for several decades. Learning in itself is given due importance owing to its contributions and outcomes in enhancing the overall organizational productivity as well as the environment. The term Learning Organization which was first used in the 1980s is defined as: "any company having a climate that speeds up individual and group learning" (Kirk 1996 Pp.3). The concept has been defined differently by different authors, however, the perception of three of such authors is presented below: According to Senge (1994), the Learning Organization is: â€Å"an organization that is continually expanding its capacity to create its future.Â
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 177
Essay Example This paper will discuss how the perception of the media has changed about the article â€Å"Secret talks on radio†by Dan Shelley. Many have been under the impression that the media is always transparent no wonder media enjoy much freedom in the United States of America. Little could one know that most of the time they wag the dog, shifting focus from the real issue to the less significant- until one reads Dan Shelley’s article. Nevertheless, talk show hosts, for example, Charlie Sykes - one of the best in the business - are famous and capable because they speak to a section of the populace that feel disappointed and even misled by the media. These individuals accept the media are prevalently staffed by and reliably reflect the perspectives of social liberals. This perspective is at this point so deep-rooted and long-held; it has developed into some part of each preservationists DNA (Shelley, 1). An anchorperson must sustain the thought that ones audience members are exploited people, and the host is the vehicle by which one could be engaged. The host outlines for all intents and purpose each issue in us-versus-them terms. There must be an awful man against whom the host will insistently safeguard those devoted audience members. He further argues that, this adversary might be a lawmaker - either a Democratic officeholder or, in uncommon situations where no Democrat is advantageous at fault, it could be a "RINO" (a "Republican In Name Only," who is considered not traditionalist enough). It might be the chilly, remorseless government administration. As a rule, in any case, the foe is the "standard media" - neighborhood or national, print or telecast. Moreover, In Shelley’s article one finds this very striking: Here and there, it can even be their stations news chief. One year, Charlie focused on Shelley’s because he had trained his midday newscaster report the Wimbledon tennis results, despite the fact that the matches
Monday, November 18, 2019
Depression Causes and Treatment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Depression Causes and Treatment - Essay Example The present research has identified that depression is one of the most common illnesses in today’s world. However, it is also one of the most difficult to study, understand, and treat. The reason depression is such a tricky customer is that its geneses are very hard to pinpoint. Unlike other mental afflictions, which present clear symptoms and prognoses, depression manifests in ways that are difficult to diagnose immediately. For example, psychologists have stated that most depressed people are not even aware of their condition. In addition, depression is a symptom of some mental illnesses; therefore it is very easy to misdiagnose it. Amidst all this ¸ it is important to consider the individual causes of depression. Is the environment all to blame, as most people believe, or is there a personal dimension to depression? Can individual behavior, conditions, or attitude trigger depression, or are external factors the only suspects? These questions will form the spine of this pa per and will guide the arguments presented for and against the subject, as well as the conclusion. Hippocrates said that â€Å"food is medicine and medicine is food.†This might explain the connection between depression and nutrition because depression is an illness that affects the body as well as the mind. It is important to note that nutrition is closely linked to hormonal balance, and hormonal balance is associated with good moods and lack of depression (in both genders). Depending on the types of food people eat. Their hormones can be balanced or imbalanced, and this can have adverse effects on their moods. Research shows that the brain and the gut are always in touch with each through the vagus nerve. There is more evidence to show that there is a correlation between depression and obesity. Obesity raises the probability of developing depression and depression is symptomatic of progressive obesity. Studies show that most women eat more when they are depressed or emotion ally stressed.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Black Soul Of The 1960s Music Essay
Black Soul Of The 1960s Music Essay In the early 1960s before the British invasion black soul music, Doo wop, Motown and RB dominated the American audiences. The 1960s saw the civil rights movement. In 1963, a march on Washington saw the passing of the civil rights act of 1964 which outlawed discrimination in public accommodations and employment. This followed with the assassination of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, spurring riots in 125 US cities in 1968, coinciding with the civil rights act of 1968. The 1960s saw Billboard change the name of its RB chart to Soul, but the term Soul had been used as a label since the mid 50s. It had its beginnings in the 1950s when Ray Charles exploited the gospel sound to create fusions of black religious and RB music with songs such as I got a woman based on the gospel song My Jesus is all the World. Sam Cooke also contributed a great deal to Soul. Cooke produced an almost unbroken sequence of hits from 1957 to 1964, the year of his death his music gave proof that anything was possible. This influenced artists who would later become global black Soul performers such as Aretha Franklin, The Falcons and James Brown. Groups such as The Angels, The Shirelles and The Righteous Brothers helped to popularize the music as mainstream. For much of the 1960s soul could be seen as the umbrella term for black popular music, which dominated American audiences in the early to mid 1960s. However one of the biggest success stories was the Detroit based Motown, which could be seen as pop soul which gave fame to names such as Diana Ross, Gladys Knight and Smokey Robinson. Tamla Motown was created by Berry Gordy Jr and although the stars were all black, you couldnt fully define it as black music as the intent was to make music palatable to white audiences. Gordy was also known to have controlled the performing styles and clothes in a way to prepare them for the wider mainstream audience. Amongst the most successful of his artist was Marvin Gaye, who was the first to take his artistic control over his recordings and repertoire. The East Coast DooWop and girl groups also made a contribution to African-American music during the 1960s. They were singers and groups whose origins were found on the street corners in the form of cappella groups found in many urban centres. With very rare exceptions, these groups did not write their own songs, but relied on their handlers to set up the recording sessions, pick the material, and produce the records. In fact, many of these behind-the-scenes people eventually became stars in their own right in the seventies. The influence of Doo Wop can be seen in soul music through groups such as William Robinsons, The Miracles who started a Doo Wop group whilst at school. White popular music of the UK developed into one of the most leading musics in the world. Through the 1950s there existed a barely understood American style. Rock and Roll. At the beginning of 1960 American pop music continued to set the patterns of the native musical efforts in the UK. The US contribution to the British charts was large and extremely important At this point- the twist was in full swing, Chubby Checker, Elvis Presley and Jerry Lee Lewis dominated the British charts. After rock and roll, Britain returned to its traditional values with the likes of Cliff Richard and Living Doll which brought mums and dads along as well. For a short while in Britain at the end of the 1950s into the early 60s there was a revival of American Skiffle, made popular by Skiffle artist, Lonnie Donegan. Skiffle was the first attempt undertaken to appropriate American popular music. It was a growing interest in rural and urban blues. Many of these interests involved a conservative nostalgia for the authentic of some imagined yesteryear. Skiffle would later influence John Lennon and Paul Mcartney in their first band The Quarrymen and The Beatles. We can also see the influence of African American artists through British RB which developed as a major musical movement in the early 1960s, initially in London, but also in other urban centres in the UK, as predominately young white male musicians attempted to emulate the style and recordings of African American RB artists. We can see this influence through The Rolling Stones. Muddy Waters used song extension to transform 1940s Chicago Blues. This was achieved by reviving repertoire he had learnt and increasing amplification. 15 years later The Stones and subsequently Cream and Canned Heat followed his example in substance as well as spirit by themselves drawing from the same source. Thus The Stones recorded I Just want to make love to you and I cant be Satisfied. Blues songs and influences continued to surface in the Rolling Stones music throughout their long career. Cream made versions of the delta blues and Canned Heat took their inspiration from the delta bluesman Tommy Johnson. This song copying tradition played a big role in the pop music.- All these African American influences such as Skiffle, RB and Soul along with white American Rock and Roll gave way to Beat music or the Merseybeat. Bands who defined this genre were largely the Beatles but also Hermans Hermits and Gerry and the Pacemakers, to name a few. In Walter Everetts The Beatles as Musicians he describes their compositional style as imitations of buddy holly and RB techniques practised by the witty guitarist Chuck Berry, the energetic Little Richard, and the humorous and skilful coasters After the large success of the Merseybeat in the UK, it transformed over to the US led by The Beatles on the 7th of February 1964. This would be then followed by other beat, pop and rock groups. Among the most successful bands in the genre were the Rolling Stones, The Yardbirds, The Kinks, Manfred Mann, The Animals, the Spencer Davis Group and The Who. Many of these bands dominated the UK and US charts from 1964, becoming a second wave of British Invasion acts in the US, and in the UK were central to the Mod subculture. Several of the bands and their members went on to become leading rock music performers of the late 1960s and early 1970s, helping to create sub-genres that included psychedelic, progressive and hard rock and making RB a key component of that music. However the British Invasion ended careers of black artists such as chubby checker and fats domino with only a handful surviving such as the Motown artists. However soul music did remain popular through evolved forms such as Funk which can be associated to James Brown. This later developed into Funk and Soul influenced by Phychedelic Rock. A good example would be the band Sly and the Family Stone and their album Stand! who were successful. However groups such as The Miracles and The Supremes found it hard to keep up with the changing trends and could never recover. Black music charted a musical path different from white rock. Although much black music crossed over to the pop charts, black performers did not share common ground with their white counterparts.-
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Explore the different types of leadership Golding and Garland present E
Explore the different types of leadership Golding and Garland present in Lord of the Flies and The Beach. In Lord of the Flies and The Beach many leadership qualities are shown. These qualities are shown in different ways for example one leader is elected by democracy, another is self-appointed and lastly there is the destructive leader. Lord of the Flies was written in 1954. A time when commercialisation was not an issue and media hype only had subtle effects of society. The Beach was written in 1996, American globalisation has begun and the media played a massive part in society. I will look at how the different time may affect the way in which a leader reacts. The most obvious resemblance between the novels is the setting and the isolation of the islands yet there is a differentiation in that the boys in Lord of the Flies are stranded and are forced to try and survive where they don’t really want to be. The Characters in The Beach have chosen to be isolated in such surroundings and don’t want to leave. For them it is not a matter of survival. In both novels the leadership and order of their close-knit communities is similar, the way both societies morals decline and the introduction of violent behaviour is the start of their destruction. Although they bare resemblance they are very different. I will look at how the leaders affect this. Firstly I will look at what makes a good leader, I will then look at each character in turn and establish the different types of leadership Golding and Garland present in Lord of the Flies and The Beach. What makes a good leader? It has been said that some are born with the right qualities and some develop them. Whether nature or nurture a good leader should alwa... ...le attributes for a leader only this is the only leadership quality Jed holds. In conclusion, I believe that Sal was the most suitable leader although being selfish at heart, all she cared about was the beach, which in effect was a good thing. Bugs simply did as Sal said so I doubt in a tough situation alone Bugs would be able to make calm and good decisions. Richard obviously is not really a contender for any type of leadership because of his childishness and uncaring nature. After comparing and analyzing the leadership in both novels I have evidence to believe that a personality such as Ralph’s would always be best for a leadership placement. He is compassionate, forward thinking and loyal. Both novels show mans natural instinct to resort to destructive violence, Ralph is the only exception to this and is the most focused character from both novels.
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